Friday, July 15, 2011

Awesome Information for Region 1!

Riveredge Hospital Summer Presentation

We are offering a 2-part series on Ethics which will satisfy the needed 3 hours for LCSW renewal in November. This series will explore current trends and concerns related to Ethics including questions raised by the use of internet and texting.

Ethics Part 1

Thursday July 28, 2011

12:00pm-1:30pm (lunch is provided)

Presenter: Wassim Moukahal, MA, MSW

Ethics Part 2

Thursday August 25, 2011

12:00pm-1:30pm (lunch is provided)

Presenter: Wassim Moukahal, MA, MSW

Wassim has master's degrees in psychology and social work. He has been providing assessment and treatment for sexually aberrant behaviors for nearly 20 years in residential, psychiatric and outpatient settings. He has facilitated trainings on how to assess and treat sexually aggressive and reactive children as well as topics related to domestic violence and ethics. In addition, Wassim has experience working in the penal system and is a skilled public speaker. He is currently a therapist in the Community Residential Program at Riveredge Hospital for adolescent males with a history of sexually problematic behaviors.

Pre-registration on-line is required for all presentations

Register online at

Riveredge Annual Resource Fair


5th Annual Resource Fair

Thursday September 22, 2010


* Over 50 information booths

* Networking opportunities

* Presentation by Todd Bergmann, Psy.D

Please visit our website for more information

Train the Trainer: Creating A Community-Specific Juvenile Justice Data Snapshot

Based on popular demand, Mariame Kaba (of Project NIA) will lead a ONE-TIME workshop for interested participants to help them to understand how to use juvenile justice data. Specifically, Project NIA has created two neighborhood-specific (North Lawndale and Rogers Park) data profiles over the past few months. These snapshots have been very well-received by community stakeholders. We have been asked to help other communities to create their own neighborhood juvenile justice data snapshots. While we don't have the capacity to fulfill all requests for assistance, we can share our technical expertise through a one-time train-the-trainer workshop with a limited group of interested individuals and organizations.

This workshop will only be offered once. Please do not register if you are not certain that you will attend. Because we do not plan to offer this workshop again, we want to make sure that those who attend are truly interested in learning how to understand and use juvenile justice data.

This workshop is co-sponsored with Building Communities, Ending Violence at Depaul University.

When: Noon to 5 pm
Where: Depaul University, Richardson Library, Dorothy Day Room (Room 400), 2350 North Kenmore Ave.
Cost: This workshop will be offered AT NO COST to participants. However we ask that you bring your OWN lunch and snacks.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT REGISTRATION: PRE-REGISTRATION IS ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED. NO WALK-INs will be accepted. In addition, registration will be limited to 25 people. In order to register, you must let us know what police district(s) encompass your community/neighborhood. You can put in your address and find your district HERE.

You can register by completing THIS FORM. You must register by September 9th 2011 because it will take a few weeks for us to gather all of the necessary data from key juvenile justice stakeholders in time for the October 22nd workshop. We would like each workshop participant to leave on October 22nd with all of the information that they will need to write their own JJ data snapshot.

Those selected to attend the workshop will be informed of their acceptance by September 23rd 2011.

More Info Here:

Chicago Voyagers Guiding Youth On Their Journey

Chicago Voyagers (CV) is a non-for-profit organization that guides at-risk youth on their journey by providing outdoor environmental activities that offer developmental, life-changing experiences. We teach youth about relationships, responsibility, achievement, and community service through such activities as mountain biking, camping, skiing, canoeing, and hiking trips. Today's average elementary student spends more than six hours a day playing video games, watching television, or using a computer and research shows that outdoor experiences helps reduce negative stress, childhood obesity, and protects psychological well-being. Summer is a great time to schedule an outing for your youth groups and expose them to the outdoors, so please contact for Bernie Rupe at (847) 636-0422 or and check out the website ( for more details on availability and their very reasonable costs. Chicago Voyagers is currently offering 20% discounts on their mountain and trail bike trips as well as 50% discounts for those groups interested in performing environmental service projects.

Man Up!: What Does That Even Mean?

What does it mean to be a real man? What do you think tough guy? Think you got what it takes to be a strong leader? Do you think it's your time to step up and be a hero? Well, let's spend the summer together tearing down the old walls and building new roads around the ideas of masculinity and power. Through riveting discussions, fun activities, and keeping good company, this 10 week group is sure to be a blast. This group serves male-, female-, and trans-identified youth 13-18 years old, interested in thinking critically about race, gender, and its affect on leadership development today. Please join us Mondays, starting July 11, 2011 through September 26, 2011 from 2-4 PM, in the Polk Bros. Foundation Youth Center. If interested please contact Russell Love-Mitchell at (773)472-6469 ext. 490, or email at

Flyer Here!

Get Your RAP Sheet Day!

The highest age group with arrests in the City of Chicago: 16

Total Number of Arrests: 25,000

Number of petitions filed: 1%

If all eligible youth petitioned to expunge their record, how many youth would visit the Chicago Police Department per day?

Make it count! Come out and get your RAP Sheet on July 27th!

What: Get Your Rap Sheet

When: July 27th, 2011 at 11am

Where: Chicago Police Department

3510 S. Michigan, Chicago, IL 60653

Who: Youth (16-24 years) Eligible For Expungement of Juvenile Records

Sponsored by The Coalition for Juvenile Expungement Reform.

Organizations include: Enlace Chicago, Claretian Associates, Project NIA, Alianza Leadership Institute, Alliance of the Southeast, and DFSS.

More Info Here:

ACT Against Violence

"Raising Safe Kids"

Facilitator Training August 23-24, 2011

Will be held at:


LaGrange Park Office

333 N. LaGrange Road

Suite One

LaGrange Park, IL 60526

8 to 4pm (both days)

Facilitator: Tamra Schwartz, LCSW

The Facilitator Training for ACT Against Violence was designed by the American Psychological Association (APA) to train childcare, social service, and mental health professionals to deliver the enhanced parent education curriculum called "Parents Raising Safe Kids". It is a national, research based violence prevention program designed to educate families and caregivers about ways to protect Flyer Available Here!

CAPS Teen Safe Driving

The 1st Annual 011th District "Things That Every Teen Should Know About Driving" Presentation is scheduled for Wednesday, July 27, 2010 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The training will be held at Marshall High School, 3250 W. Adams.

The agenda includes the distribution of Road Safety materials as well as a short skit with a question and answer session on the topic "What To Do If You Get Stopped by the Police" presented by the 011th District CAPS Office. Interactive activities simulating drunk and distracted driving will be provided by the Illinois State Police and AAA.

If you are interested in attending or have any questions, please feel free to contact the 11th District CAPS office, at 312-746-9841. Attached to this letter is the Release of Liability for this event, please have your child bring the signed form with him/her on the day of the event.

Release of Liability Form: Liability Form

Between Friends Upcoming Events

Teen Movie Night

ENOUGH starring Jennifer Lopez (PG13)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


At the Cambodian Association of Illinois

2831 W. Lawrence, Chicago

RSVP to Paul at 773-274-5232x18

All teens welcomed! Adults can join but are encouraged to bring at least one teen with them.

Teen Dating Violence Day of Action

Teens will learn about dating violence and take the lead on at least one project to educate others about dating violence by the end of the day!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Loyola Park

Registration form attached.

Counseling and Support Services' Movie Night

July 27, August 3, August 10


Discussion group for domestic violence survivors based on the movie What's Love Got To Do With It?

Contact Jennifer at 773-274-5232x25 for more details.

SPANISH Realizing your Economic Action Plan (REAP) Group

Fridays, July 29th to August 26th


Contact Jennifer at 773-274-5232x25 to enroll.

Finally, have you seen us in the media lately?? Here's one of the many articles written about the awareness raising efforts that we have been coordinating for this weekend's Pitchfork Music Festival:

If you are at the fest, check out our booth that we'll be sharing with other domestic violence, sexual assault and LGBTQ organizations! We'll also have a table at the CHIRP Record Fair at the fest!

Get Mental Health First Aid Certified!
July 19 & 20 at Community Counseling Centers of Chicago

4740 N Clark St, Chicago, IL 60640

Free two-day community mental health training. CEUs available. Register now!

Youth Vocational Training

Date: August 15, 16, 17, 18 & 22, 23, 24, 25

Time: 12pm - 3pm

Where: Center on Halsted, 3656 N. Halsted St., Chicago, IL 60613

Ages: 17-21

Contact: Lynnea Karlic, Vocational Program Manager -; 773.661.0954

About the program: We do a 30 hour employment readiness training for 20 youth. We talk about identity, what work means to you, look at what you value, work on personal and career goals, do a resume, learn how to fill out an application, job search and prepare for interviews. We also have opportunities to meet employers at a networking event and connect with potential mentors.

After the program: Once you complete the program you can meet with Meg, our Employment Specialist and get one to one attention in job search, interview help and connection to employers. Meg can work with you until you are 22.

Expectations and some basics of the program:

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